Monday, June 29, 2015

Why I am removing my facebook page

I will leave you with this adorable picture of the husband and I
Boy, where to start......This hasn't been an easy decision by any means.  First I am a conversationalist, I love to visit with people face to face and if I can't do that than a phone call.  Texting is okay, I feel like I can't get everything out that needs to be said sometimes.  :/
Since being someone who likes to be in conversation, if I start something on facebook or comment, I need to make sure I am not being rude and can respond to people if necessary.  So, I have to check it often, which can be time consuming or takes away from how I need to be caring for my family.  I removed the facebook app from my phone, and I felt a sense of freedom, it was awesome!!!  Then one of my teenage boys tells me about a loophole....I kept that in the back burner of my mind for a few days, but I knew I needed to respond to some school curriculum I had up for sale in a facebook group and I caved since one of my boys was doing school on the computer.  I just knew it would be easy, too easy to keep getting on.
  Another reason is very hard to admit and very, very personal.  I noticed I started dealing with fears I had never known before and was having anxiety. With the anxiety my mind would go a million miles an hour, going through the what-ifs.  I now realize some of what I was dealing with is adrenal fatigue.  Even though on the outside you would have never known.  I realized all these years later that the fears started up after making a facebook page and using it daily. I don't really watch news, years and years ago before facebook, as a young mother, when I would watch the news I noticed I would start to feel fear, well I just stopped watching it.  I am a Christian, so with that said I am constantly reminding myself of God's words concerning my situation. I am not saying we need to bury our heads in the sand and ignore all the bad stuff in the world, people need advocates to stand up and step in to help, pray and act. Although every part of me wants to just stay home, play with my kids (legos and blocks with the little boys and dolls with the girls), read Anne of Green Gables to my girls, watch some Little House on the Prairie and I can't leave out Paw Patrol!  I fully intend to go where God leads me, it might not be right away, I might fight it a little bit.
This probably seems a little extreme to some of you, and not everyone needs to remove themselves from facebook.  I do believe that everyone should do a facebook fast.  It really is quite freeing.This is just the season of my life right now.  I just want to love God, love and serve my family, love on those that God places on my path (maybe watch a little 'Little House on the Prairie.')
I have been thinking of doing this for a long time, but we moved to another state, it helped me stay connected with family and friends and help us meet new friends and gain knowledge of the city we live in.  I did over this past lent decide to do a fast and it was amazing!  I thought I won't find out important information, since we homeschool or staying connected with family and friends.  My phone was a piece of poop and was always not working.  I wouldn't receive text at all, no pictures would ever come through and on and on were the issues.  Well, I knew the Lord was calling me to do it, because my phone started working, people kept me informed.  Husband bought me a new phone and now I even have skype, A nice way to see those that I love dearly from so far away.
My hope is this may help someone else, if not it was free counseling for me, even if I couldn't see you reading this on the other side of the screen. :)