Friday, February 6, 2015

Waiting with Joy

  I will be happy when.....I will change my attitude when.......Fill in the blank there is always something.  I am so selfish sometimes.  I don't see the good that is right before me.  When I take the time to stop and just praise God for everything, my eyes are opened and I experience joy! I like to thank God for everything.  Well, everything that I can think of.  Once I get going I think of even the stuff that we are use to having on a daily basis and I feel such a gladness in my heart.  As I sat in my room I found myself thanking God for my baby girl's penny bank.  It is the cutest little pink and purple owl. When my children were babies or right before they were born I like to make sure they all have a penny bank.  Evie, didn't have one yet.  While grocery shopping at "the wal-marts" I found a cute penny bank.  Was so pleasantly surprised to see it was marked way down on clearance.  It is those little things.  God is so cool like that.

    We do so much waiting in our life time.  So, why not do it joyfully.  My Aunt recently shared another blog with me about waiting and at the end was the verse Psalm 27:14  Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! I couldn't stop reading that verse. Over and over I rolled it around in my head.  I wrote it on a piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge.  Whenever I was in the kitchen or at the fridge getting water I would just re-read it.  I meditated on it pretty much all day. I still can't get over how cool of a verse it is. I decided to look up what it meant in Hebrew.  Wait = qavah, to bind together (perhaps by twisting) When waiting we are suppose to keep our eyes on God, or from this I feel we are suppose to be so close to God, that we are attached to Him!  Whoa, this was amazing to me!  There is more. Listen to this.  Be of good courage = Chazaq, to fasten upon; to seize, be strong.  I don't know about you, but I think waiting takes a lot of strength, especially when there is uncertainty. When we are so strongly attached to God in those moments they don't seem so heavy.

  I in noway have the gift of always waiting gracefully, but I sure am going keep trying.

Wait for the Lord;
    be strong, and let your heart take courage;
    wait for the Lord!

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