Monday, December 22, 2014

Easy caramel sauce~caramel yogurt

To say I love caramel would be an understatement.  I have tried more than a handful of times to make a healthier caramel.  Some turned out okay, some I burned and stunk up the house. Then I came across this recipe and I have yet to mess it up.
True story; when we moved from Kansas to Arizona this summer my younger children actually made caramel in the car.  They took some sugar packs from the hotel room and decided to pour their bottle of water on the sugar packs in the console.  Since we were busy with unpacking and such, I didn't notice it until it caramelized; hard as a rock, sure smelled good though.
Grocery shopping one day, I seen in the yogurt section some greek yogurt with caramel and thought that sounds so yummy.  I looked on the ingredients list, fructose was the number one thing listed. Not good. I thought I can do this, one more try.  I was pleased as punch with the results.
Here's how
5 tsp of xylitol
2 Tbs of butter
3 Tbs of heavy whipping cream
1/2 tsp of vanilla
1/8 tsp of sea salt
Combine xylitol and butter in a small pan on low/med heat. Stirring often until a nice brown color
It will smell heavenly, if you burn it you will know. I wasn't very good at keeping track of time, so maybe 4-6 minutes.  Just watch it CLOSELY!
Add cream and stir constantly for one minute. This causes the mixture to bubble.
After a minute remove from heat and add vanilla and salt.
The longer you let it sit the thicker it gets.  If you don't use it all up place in the fridge, may need to reheat in the microwave for a few seconds to loosen it up.
I chopped up some 85% chocolate with my pampered chef  chopper.

Ta-da! It really doesn't take that long to make such a yummy snack.
Here's another look for you to drool over before you go make your own.
If you were wondering, I did get the caramel cleaned out with a lot of elbow grease and mutterings under my breathe.  

Note: I use Fage Greek 0% yogurt


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